Sunday, March 11, 2007

More submitter crap

I was browsing through the pages, and just out of curiosity, I wanted to see their thoughts on Jews. Of course, here is what I find:

And I immediately thought, "oh shit, not Talmud misquoting again". But it gets worse (better?). Enter Michael Hoffman, noted Holocaust denier and antisemite. Yes, you (submitters) don't hate Jews, you just use bullshit from antisemites to further your case. Great job.

How about you guys invite Michael Hoffman to Submission? Or is Dawa a heretical Sunnat? He fits in perfectly with the child molester Rashad Khalifa.

See also:

Once again, it is proven that Jesus could not be the messiah. Note that I was not aware of that article, nor of that site, when I wrote my "religious arguments I don't accept". But Devarim 13 rocks. I'm thinking about printing it out and handing it out to the Christian club at my college. Maybe even the Muslims too, since they accept Jesus as the (Jewish) messiah too. But probably not the Submitters, since they don't have the mental capacity to comprehend such analyses.

Arbeit macht frei

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