Saturday, June 16, 2007


So here's how it has been.

It's hard to pay attention in class. I'm either reading ahead in the textbook, or I'm thinking about how I would teach the subject. I would have introduced experimentation and the scientific method in a different way. But who am I to criticize? I'm just an aspirer. I love explaining things to people. I wonder if there's a job which specifically addresses that =). I've been busy on youtube. I've made a friend list and an enemy list now, teehee. I have reviewed some comments of few of this age's speakers, thanks to youtube. It is one thing to read the works of Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris and Edward Said, but to actually hear them is a whole other frenzy. But not all of reading-to-hearing conversions have been happy. Barack Obama sounds like a donkey, both in speech and in sound. Heh, I just remembered that the donkey is the symbol of the American Democratic Party, no wonder. On the other hand, that Ron Paul figure seems like a nice guy. The Democrats really do suck. Why can't they revive the corpse of FDR and have him run again? I wonder what he would say about today's events. But if I could choose who I could speak with (from the past), I would pick Leonhard Euler, Thomas Paine, etc. You know, the real heroes =). I understand that putting "etc" at the end of that is meaningless; what do those two have in common? Well for one thing, I admire them both. And another, is that people outside of the relevant fields hardly know them, even though they had tremendous influence. Now, some people may know Paine from his pamphlet Common Sense. But come on, that thing is nothing compared to his magnificent Age of Reason. Imagine if that was assigned reading for an American history class! Now take Euler. Why isn't he a household name? His impact on Calculus was tremendous.

So Hamas takes over the Gaza Strip. Cool.

Let's see... what else... ah yes... Donovan. That dude from the 60s/70s. Wear Your Love Like Heaven. Oh yea, you know I will. ;)

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